Monday, July 26, 2010

~Butterfly Wings~

I used to call this multi color sheared beaver, "Peacock", but a customer pointed out that it looks more like "Butterfly Wings". She was right, and that's what I call it since!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

~SD Fantasma, in Brown Grooved Mink~

My Fantasma again, wearing a brown grooved mink coat with fox collar. I haven't seen her in a while, as she's still getting a face up, and I miss her... I wonder if I should still call her Fantasma after the face up...

Friday, July 23, 2010

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

~~The Lady is Certain-ly Stylish~~

"The Lady is Certain", Bette Davis, comes wearing a faux fur, over this elegant form fitting outfit. When I saw it I realized that my Cafe-au-Lait Mink has very similar shades to her faux mink, and I got to work right away! A customer asked for two tails hanging at the front and, voila! I have said this many times, but I'll say it again: my customers have the best ideas and are a true inspiration to me!

"Cafe-au-Lait" color has been achieved by taking mahogany brown mink and bleaching it.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

~~Black Tibetan/Mohair Wig for Sushi~~

I love Mohair wigs! Not only are they fun to create, they're even more fun to play with! I can spend hours, just trying on different styles, and adding different embellishments!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

~~Persian Lamb and Sable for Cissy~~

I have created this set for Cissy three or four times in the past, around the Holidays. I find it suits her style very well. I love creating little fur flowers, like the one on her hat.
The set is made of black persian lambe and natural sable.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

~~A Golden Sable Touch~~

A simple Golden Sable Touch, is just what's needed to transform a simple outfit to the most exquisite statement piece!

I love this Bette Davis doll! Her outfit is the perfect background for many of my furs~~more to come later on:)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

~~Pretty, Bored Ellowyne~~

Ellowyne Wilde may describe herself as "bored, sullen, indecisive, moody, tired etc", but we all know that she's just very very Pretty! She's wearing a white sheared mink bolero and hat, trimmed with full mink. Just very pretty, no matter what she puts on!

Monday, July 12, 2010

~~MetroDolls Charity Auction 2007~~

Black Sheared Mink, with White Mink Cuffs and Collar and Rhinestone buttons, was created for the 2007 MetroDolls Charity Auction. All proceeds to benefit the Shriner's Children's Hospital

Beautiful doll and gown by Michael Giunta. Jewelry by Marcia Friend of Facets. Black Mink Wrap by me. Also created for the Charity Auction.
~~I enjoy working with other people on a project, even if it's from far away--Marcia creates the most amazing doll accessories, and Michael Giunta is the MetroDolls president; I've never met either one in person~~

Saturday, July 10, 2010

~~Co-mmission accomplished!~~

Ready to ship in a couple of days is this commission for Fashion Royalty. I usually make this style for the 16" dolls, so when a customer asked that I make this for FR, I was a bit hesitant.. I thought it might be too bulky for her, but I was willing to experiment, and, voila! Thank you, Wise Customer, it was fun!!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

~~Fun Boas~~

Colorful fox fur boas, are all a doll needs to add instant glamor to any outfit. I love coming up with new colors...I'm still trying to decide what my new fall colors would be... My Sushi is wearing a "Dahlia Purple" Fox Boa.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

~~Miss the winter?...~~

It's hot, 40C, today in Montreal, as you step outside, it's like stepping into an oven! When it's this hot, it's hard to believe that just a few months ago, it was -40! Here's a stylish outfit, my dolls love wearing when it gets very cold... looking at it, almost makes me miss the winter... NOT! lol

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

~ ~Sears Inspired Stoles for Barbie~~

Smaller dolls are a challenge, especially when you're working with furs. Creating something that will look stylish, without overpowering the doll, is kinda tricky...I have found a few patterns that will work perfectly every time, and the one in my pictures in one of them. It was inspired by the famous Autumn Haze Mink stole, created by Sears for Barbie in 1964.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

~~MetroDolls 2008~Charity Auction~~

I love embellishing my creations with feathers, beads, fancy buttons and brooches. They have to be just the right size or they'll just overwhelm the coat. Sydney above, is wearing a cross mink coat and hat embellished with feathers. This set was auctioned at the 2008 MetroDolls Auction, to benefit Broadway Cares/Equity to Fight AIDS.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

~~Madonna's White Fur Boa~~

Often, my inspirations come from stars like Madonna. She wore this boa to the 1999 Music Awards. There are several pictures of Madonna in this boa, in some she's alone, in others she's posing with Michael Jackson. My Sydney, just had to have one just like hers! In White Mink and Swarovski crystal beads.

Friday, July 2, 2010

~~New doll in the house~~

"Fantasma", that's the name I gave to my new doll in the house. She is a 57" cm Luts girl, very different from my other dolls, and so much fun to play with, pose, and sew for:) I named her Fantasma, because she was without any make up and pale like a ghost. I say "was", because she's away right now getting a face up by a very talented friend of mine. I can't wait to see the results!
Fantasma is modeling a pink sheared beaver hooded jacket with white mink trimmings. She is adorable:))